[21:36:31] * Wolf-Man (~zwright25@swirc-2F5B7BCD.neo.rr.com) has joined #coruscant [21:36:43] Hi all [21:36:49] hi [21:38:31] Take a look at my site [21:38:34] http://www.geocities.com/jedi_master1282002/enter.html [21:38:46] what is it about? [21:38:55] That all depends. What's in it for us? :] [21:39:11] Infomation [21:39:29] and I guess fun [21:39:55] how much money do I get? [21:40:34] None why do you ask [21:42:29] I only visit sites that pay me excessively large amounts of money [21:42:40] Thats rude [21:42:54] no, that's "intelligent" [21:43:40] It's also futile, I'm sure :] [21:43:47] Magian yes [21:43:56] in this specific case [21:44:46] Why do you want money?You can't by everything with it [21:44:58] no, but I can buy a new computer [21:45:04] why do you want me to visit your site so bad? [21:45:13] There is no way to send it to you [21:45:18] * lifer (~lifer@swirc-3EF5B34C.blackwd.eticomm.net) Quit (Quit: Lifer IRC v1.0) [21:45:29] sure there is [21:45:35] you could give me your credit card number and expiration date [21:45:39] or mail me a check [21:45:45] upon receipt of either of these items [21:45:48] I'll gladly visit your site [21:45:52] I don't have a credit card [21:46:13] Since when does a 12 year own one [21:46:46] ... [21:48:25] alright, how about you just agree to give me your soul? [21:49:01] Alright enough with the untrue facts [21:49:09] um, these aren't "facts' [21:49:11] they're requests [21:49:17] if you give me your soul, I'll visit the website [21:49:21] plain and simple [21:49:40] Impossible [21:49:44] no, it isn't [21:49:48] just say "you can have my soul" [21:50:07] You still won't get it [21:50:22] If I said that [21:50:30] if you truly believe that, then say it [21:50:37] it will do you no harm either way [21:51:04] They are just stupid stuff [21:51:45] that made no sense, but either way [21:51:49] just say you'll give me your soul [21:51:54] and I'll visit your website [21:53:25] *** *** **** ** **** [21:53:59] no [21:54:01] *'s don't count [21:54:08] just say "I give you my soul" [21:54:41] why its stupid [21:54:54] if it's so stupid, just say it and be done [21:55:03] I'll visit your website, we'll all be happy [21:55:08] and I'll have your soul [21:55:40] Whats the differences your probbley looking at right naow [21:56:22] Speaking of websites. Who's good at that? [21:56:25] making 'em, I mean [21:56:38] no, I assure you [21:56:43] I have not visited your site [21:56:47] give me your soul. [21:57:13] I know your dieing to [21:57:28] I'm already "dead" in the human sense [21:57:37] and really, all I want at this point is your soul [21:58:22] * Magian (Magian@swirc-286812E6.warwick.net) Quit (Quit: "For it is a knell that summons thee to heaven or to hell!" - The Once and Future King) [21:58:25] Take my soul for cryin out loud [21:58:30] I can't take it [21:58:33] you have to give it to me [21:58:49] I give ypu my soul [21:59:04] please spell "you" correctly [21:59:30] I give you my soul [21:59:33] excellent [22:01:13] Happy now [22:01:34] yes, extremely happy